Wednesday 21 April 2010

Individual Blog Links Shanice Mantey Benjamin Yeo Natalia Antoniou

Brainstorm of Titles For Our Opening Sequence

We didnt think of a title until after the clip, so that it was easier analyse the clip and then think of a title that related to it Here is a brainstorm of titles we thought up that related to the opening sequence.

We finally went with the film title 'Paranoia'. This is because we thought it related most to the film idea due to the fact that the character Shanice, acts in a extremely paranoid and psychotic manner after she recieves a mysterious phonecall.
We aslo added an effect to the title when it was displayed on the screen at the end by placing a primary recording over the text being whispered.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Story Board

This is the original Story Board hand drawn..

This is more of the beginning of our Opening Sequence because the interview is what sets everything up and as an interview we had to ensure that we would still experiment and use a range of camera shots and angles as everything presented in an interview is very static between a person being intervied and the interviewer (teacher). We had to ensure that the shot reverse shots between these two were not all the same and boring so the storyboard helped remind us of using different camera angles/shots with what speech and what character and if there was any sound effects that were to be used.

Digital Story Board