Monday 15 March 2010

Feedback On Opening Sequence, Feedback On Clips Not Used & Why

Feedback on overall Opening Sequence Amount of people asked 20 Questions asked: 1)Did you enjoy the Opening sequence? 2)What Element did you like most about the opening sequence? (choose 2) 3)Did you understand the storyline? 4)Did you think the acting was good? 5)Did you find the music effective and did it create suspence? The general answer for this was yes the music did create suspence and caused those who watched it to want to watch more. 6)Do you think our film holds conventions of a thriller? if so, what? The common answer was "suspence" which people said it was is usually found in a thriller. 7)How would you improve our opening sequence? The improvements told by others were things like, having the setting darker would be better. Someone said create more suspense. Better acting. Actors should look more traumatised. The acting and the sript needs work and there was also someone saying we should change the title. Not all these things we feel are relevant because i feel that people were thinking about what they the individual wants as in they were being rather picky. Looking at the time we had, if we had more most of these points we would definately apply to our O.S. 8)Would you want to see the rest of the film? Most people said yes. 9)What would you rate the Opening sequence from a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest etc) Clips Not used why? The clips that we decided to disinclude were these two below the clip that involved Shanice singing turned out to be irrelevant as the filming went on.
We found that it didn't really make sense and also confused us when it came to thinking about how it would flow onto the next scene. So we decided to cut this out and instead of saying we were filming a music video. We changed our film idea to us starting with a group of students just together doing work.

The clip in which we had the group leaving the block and messing around with the camera was removed because of the time limit that we had for the opening sequence.

We also removed it because we realised it wasn't so relevant and this was just an opening sequence we didn't want to much to occur in such a short space of time. The clip we thought was very good, the clip that showed paranoia We liked this scene because it took all of us as a group to work together to make this work. The idea of us just flickering the lights to create the effect allowed us not to have to apply so much editing to it. This is also the scene that builds creates that paranoia effect just like the name of the opening sequence. This is what startled those who viewed it, this scene drew them into the sequence and caused them to really focus and leave them in suspence.

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