Friday 26 March 2010

Filming & Editing Schedule

December 2009

8th – On this day, we planned our opening sequence by creating the brief storyline.

11th – We came up with different ideas which may fit in better with the concept of a physiological thriller. We also
had to consider the resources we had available to do this.

16th – Our group took photos of each other to use for our profile pictures. We also took photos of certain surrounding which we were planning to use in the opening sequence.

January 2010

4th - The start of the filming, which all of us were included in. The setting of this scene was in a classroom. This was filmed after school, in order to use effective low key lighting.

15th- Our group stayed back after school to re-film and continue on with the scene that we had previously begun.

18th We continued to film the exiting of the classroom and we also managed to film the beginning of the aftermath from leaving the classroom. This included filming handheld shots. All of this filming was carried out after school.

19th - We carried on filming clips of the classroom but from different angles including from outside of the classroom.

21st - On this day, we uploaded all the footage we had. We looked over areas of improvement.

26th - Our group stayed behind after school to film the handheld scene which consisted of our entire group. This was a key scene in the storyline of the film. This scene was continuously filmed to make it perfect.

29th - On the 29th and the 3rd two members of our group worked in lesson to keep our blogs up to date. The other half of our group progressed in editing (rearranging clips, adding transitions and deleting clips that were not needed).

February 2010

3rd - We filmed over bits that were not as effective as they could be. For instance we went over bits from the classroom, in the form of a variety of different angles.

5th - Our group carried out research in lesson to find appropriate background music for certain clips in our opening sequence. We eventually managed to find one which we used.

10th - As well as continuously updating the blog, we also stayed behind after school to re film the handheld scene and the scene of Shanice going crazy in the classroom, this time using lighting.

17th - We recorded all the backing audio that we had to use (voice over’s).

18th - We filmed the interview scene which we had to arrange with teachers. We then uploaded the footage.

19th - We filmed the leading up to the interview waiting to be interview – set at the seating area).

March 2010

2nd - Our group arranged another date in the office to re film the interview. We had to improve on certain errors which we had made before, in terms of more camera angles as well as more shot reverse shot between the teacher and the student. We then edited after school as well as in lesson.

8th - On this day as well as the 12th and the 22nd, we uploaded the remaining footage and we then edited this order to create a smoother flow from clip to clip.

12th - On this day as well as the 8th and the 22nd, we edited this order to create a smoother flow from clip to clip.

22nd - On this day as well as the 8th and the 12th, we edited this order to create a smoother flow from clip to clip.

25th - We have finished!

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